Robert Kaufman

Robert Kaufman

Ph.D. Candidate

UC San Diego

Robert is a PhD Candidate in Cognitive Science and a Human-Computer Interaction researcher in the Design Lab at University of California, San Diego. He is broadly interested in how people interact with complex information systems.

Robert’s current research is focused on bridging the “trust gap” between Artificial Intelligence systems and their users in the domains of autonomous driving, healthcare, and social media. Robert has a particular interest in the role of AI explainability and communication, and his interdisciplinary research projects often aim at improving trust between people and intelligent machines using personalized and needs-based approaches.

Personal Website:

  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Human-AI Collaboration
  • Trust Formation
  • Personalization
  • Safety-Critical Systems (Autonomous Vehicles, Healthcare)
  • MS in Cognitive Science, 2021

    UC San Diego, USA

  • BS in Behavioral Neuroscience and Psychology, 2017

    Ohio State University, USA
