ChronoSense and Lab-in-a-Box

Screenshot of the ChronoSense UI. This tool enables a user to simultaneously capture multiple streams of multimodal data for use at a later point in time. It also allows for real-time and near-time analysis through it’s extensible plugin interface.


ChronoSense was born to serve researchers of all kinds helping them more easily conduct observational research. Temporally aware and aligned data capture can be incredibly difficult when multiple software has to be used to collect disparate data from cameras, microphones, screen capture software, eye trackers, and more. Post-hoc alignment can be time-consuming as well as technically challenging, requiring special hardware, environment artifacts, or even special computational tooling. By providing a unified environment for the capture of multiple data streams, ChronoSense massively simplifies the issue, giving observational researchers a tool to easily and quickly record data

Moving beyond observational research we enter into interventional studies, where the goal is to not just study humans but to also generate some sort of artifact that may provide some sort of feedback, support behavior modification, or otherwise prompt reflection that facilitates changes. On this front ChronoSense seeks to empower researchers with a data capture tool that can be extended to also perform inference as well as inform intervention design.


Steven Rick
Steven Rick
Ph.D. Candidate
Nadir Weibel
Nadir Weibel
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering