VRContour - Bringing Contour Delineations of Medical Structures Into Virtual Reality

ISMAR 2022

Towards Visualization of Time–Series Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) Data on Standalone Voice–First Virtual Assistants

ASSETS 2022 To explore the potential opportunities for visualizing time-series based EMA data on standalone IVAs, we designed a prototype system, where older adults are able to query and examine the time–series EMA data on Amazon Echo Show — a widely used commercially available standalone screen–based IVA

Exploring Needs and Design Opportunities for Virtual Reality-based Contour Delineations of Medical Structures

EICS 2022 We present an exploratory study that uses iterative design to understand needs and opportunities to bring contour delineation into an immersive 3D space, such as the one enabled by today’s head-mounted VR displays

Evaluating Accuracy, Completion Time and Usability of Everyday Touch Devices for Contouring

ASTRO 2022 Daily re-evaluation of contours associated with adaptive planning is time-intensive and difficult to access. This project evaluated the efficacy of everyday touch devices for contouring using a novel cross-platform interface.

Battling Bias in Primary Care Encounters: Informatics Designs to Support Clinicians

CHI 2022 To understand the perspectives of clinicians on the design of effective educational strategies and for tools to help identify implicit bias, we conducted 21 semi-structured interviews with primary care clinicians about their perspectives and design recommendations for tools to improve patient-centered communication and to help mitigate implicit bias.

Making Hidden Bias Visible: Designing a Feedback Ecosystem for Primary Care Providers

CHI 2022 - QT-BIPOC PD Workshop We present wireframes displaying communication metrics that negatively impact patient-centered care divided into the following categories: digital nudge, dashboard, and guided reflection. Our wireframes provide quantitative, real-time, and conversational feedback promoting provider reflection on their interactions with patients.

Toward a Unified Metadata Schema for Ecological Momentary Assessment with Voice-First Virtual Assistants

CUI 2021 We designed a novel unified metadata schema to enable Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), user experience (UX), and behavioral health researchers to rapidly prototype Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) data collection applications on different voice-first smart devices with built-in IVAs.

ARTEMIS: A Collaborative Mixed-Reality System for Immersive Surgical Telementoring

CHI 2021In this paper, we describe ARTEMIS' design process with a summary of specific user goals ARTEMIS addresses. We also describe the system implementation and show an early validation of how the system addresses user goals.

Adjacent Display of Relevant Discussion Helps Resolve Confusion

Discussion fora of instructional videos contain previously-discussed questions and answers. These video comments can resolve many points of confusion for learners. However, finding relevant content in a separated discussion forum is challenging and …

Developing a Healthcare Equity Tool: Combining Technology and Stakeholder Engagement to Uncover Hidden Bias in Patient-Provider Interactions

Academic Health 2021 Hidden biases in patient-provider interactions can result in poor communication in clinical interactions and healthcare disparities. The UnBIASED Research Project is combining stakeholder engagement with computational sensing to automatically detect hidden biases and provide automated feedback on communication quality during clinical encounters. Early insights from stakeholder engagement highlight the importance of nonverbal communication as social signals of hidden bias.